Sunday, May 8, 2011


IMMOLATION is one of the greatest bands of all time. I cant say enough good things about them. From the innovative guitar work of mad man shredder Robert Vigna to the boot stomping of Ross Dolan on stage. All their drummers have been just fuckin awesome, and none of their albums have ever let me down. Ross Dolan's Lyrics explain a disgust for humanity and take a very personal bitter strike at religion, in particular Christianity. something I can relate to after searching for some kind of truth on this earth myself.

''Purge the world, remove us all" sometimes thats my theme song.

This is one of the greatest songs and albums IMMOLATION has written both lyrically and musically to me hence the blog banner.

''Have faith in their words
From your weakness they are born
Messiahs to the masses
But failures for all

Send millions to worship
Send millions to die
Devoted, they follow in blindness
Lost, they can not find their way

Crowned by our hands

Bringers of terror, all will cower in fear
Bringers of war, their people perish and die
Bringers of plague, the faithful wither and fade
Bringers of famine, the hunger grows and grows
Cure not our ills...
Feed on our souls...

Promise eternity...
Eternity never comes...

Their lies will lull the chaos
While humanity falls around them
Impoverished, in droves they'll grovel
In confusion and fear they flourish

They've failed to lead the way out of darkness
their wourds man nothing, your gods are dead

Let them rape you
let them rule you
They will take you
You're failures for gods
No promis land
No love toward man
No perfect end
You're failures for gods

Can they not see the deception and the tyranny
So desperate they've become the victims not the victors
Can they not see the tragedy in thier beliefs
The failures you worship are the failures you've become

Crowned by our hands''


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