Thursday, August 25, 2011

On the seventh day god created ...Stone Escondidian Imperial Black IPA

Ive been really happy with stones limited releases lately, the japanese green tea IPA which I wrote about, the chocolate cherry stout, and now the Escondidian Imperial Black IPA which is just a perfect beautiful beer.

The aroma hits very fresh, nice dry hopping. The mouth feel is just right, and the taste is of an aggressively hopped stone ipa with just the right amount of roastiness. slight notes of alcohol 10.5% :)
Now ive tried several black IPA's and had no luck. some have even made they're way down the drain. It seems like a challenge to balance a black IPA. So I tell the truth when I say this is the best black IPA I have had to date. HIGHLY recommended. 4.5/5

Also on another note: if you live in the coachella valley like me and your looking for good beer check out the cvbeerscene for information on which pubs serve good beer and what stores sell good beer.

Bonus: While I was writing this beer review ive been listening to one of my favorite master albums....


Reginald said...

Master is rad. I've got to track down that Escondidian Imperial Black IPA. I tried getting some a few of the beers mentioned on this page, but it seems the only brew available is Sierra Nevada, from the international beer thing across from the hospital. DAMN YOU PERTH!

Master is kickarse, btw.

bloodler said...

Reg, its sucks to hear you dont have good beer in your area bro. If your really interested in trying some new beers you can try
Ive never tried it, but they have an insane selection. also fuck yeah master rules man! I really dig the songs ''demon'' and ''master of will'' of this album.