Friday, April 29, 2011

Black Metal Poetry

Even Shakespeare would be impressed...

''Crows and bones,snakes and wine
Creepy dwarfs,a darkened sun
Our final shot, to rip these nuts
we'll cook their gut, in a filthy pot!!
Our great praise for black pope
we'll poison them, we'll kill their hope
Satan will rule, with his ogres
We don't escape, we're not posers
A bloody dagger,a black cloak
We'll butcher god,we'll burn his throne
We'll burn his heaven.we'll make it hell
We'll raise our flag, we'll ring our bell
We'll chain his sons,Moses and Christ
Our Triple six, inverts his cross!''

                                                         ''our final shot to rip these nuts''

Christian metal that doesn't suck

what? seriously?what kind of idiot runs this blog anyway?... yep its true. Norway's Groms meaning (god-rules-over-my-soul) released their only full length back in 94' at a time when ''evil'' death and black metal was full force.Supposedly they received death threats from the ''pagan'' bands that were offended by the idea of christian death metal, but groms didnt really give a shit, they just killed them in the name of the lord and are all in prison thats why they only made one album.
Groms play their own chunky, melodic style of mid paced death metal, and they kick ass. so take it for what it is. Good music

                                                        Groms - Ascension 1994

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Relaxation Rites

I dont know what you do to relax,on second thought, im not sure i wanna know..... anyway, lately ive begun this nightly ritual of relaxation. the formula is simple...check this out:
                                                                     shoes are optional

1. Grab yourself a ladder, you know that one your neighbor always leaves out VISIBLY on the side of his yard by the gate.GRAB IT, but dont feel bad, your only borrowing it, plus his drunk ass only uses it once a year to put up/take down his christmas lights.

2. Now, fun time, crack yourself a homebrew milk stout, if you dont have access to such a pleasure, any quality commercial stout will do just fine. now get your 20+ lb overweight ass on the roof!

3.Timing is key, i like to make the climb about 20-30 min before complete darkness.
NOTE: this is highly experimental but is worth trying especially if you fall under the 20+lb overweight category, take a dump first, seriously,  but DONT eat dinner till you get down from the roof, theoretically i suspect doing these things will not only ''lighten the load'' but at the same time increase energy levels, also by not eating for a couple hours prior to your relaxtion time your taste buds will be more receptive to the flavors in your stout.

                                                                           ....oh yeah
4. Music Selection: for this i can no longer guide you as this is personal preference, but, since this is my blog i will steer you in the right direction.
                                                    Decrepitaph - Beyond the cursed tombs

Which brings me to my second topic tonight:  my new appreciation for mid paced/slow tunes. Some are quick to discard the realm of mid/slow pace metal in exchange for something faster, in relating faster/technical to being more ''brutal'', which i have found untrue. If Winter/Decrepitaph/Autopsy and Celtic frost have taught me anything its that simplistic crushing well thought out riffs can kick my ass just as well. fact is the human mind likes simple mid paced music,and for good reason, i think it activates both adrenalin and relaxation chemicals simultaneously. kinda like getting a boner when your angry, which by the way this album can definitely deliver. and on that note this is the perfect choice for tonights roof time :)
these guys may look like they might spend more time shoveling pig crap on the family farm in mid Idaho than actually playing instruments, but dont under estimate their firepower!

5.Get off the roof (also optional)

PS. i'd like the thank the two way cool bros that actually subscribed to this poor excuse for a blog before any substantial post. you guys rule!
love, bloodler


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Together we will embark on a journey greater than the feeble human mind is able to comprehend. Tap into depths of human emotion and depravity previously unable to be reached by modern uhh ...minds
My brains already hurting, is yours?.. so sit tight, grab a beer and lets do this..
I will try and entertain you assholes with some quality media...