Thursday, August 25, 2011

On the seventh day god created ...Stone Escondidian Imperial Black IPA

Ive been really happy with stones limited releases lately, the japanese green tea IPA which I wrote about, the chocolate cherry stout, and now the Escondidian Imperial Black IPA which is just a perfect beautiful beer.

The aroma hits very fresh, nice dry hopping. The mouth feel is just right, and the taste is of an aggressively hopped stone ipa with just the right amount of roastiness. slight notes of alcohol 10.5% :)
Now ive tried several black IPA's and had no luck. some have even made they're way down the drain. It seems like a challenge to balance a black IPA. So I tell the truth when I say this is the best black IPA I have had to date. HIGHLY recommended. 4.5/5

Also on another note: if you live in the coachella valley like me and your looking for good beer check out the cvbeerscene for information on which pubs serve good beer and what stores sell good beer.

Bonus: While I was writing this beer review ive been listening to one of my favorite master albums....

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Unearth - the demos

Hear some kick ass death metal straight outta new mexico. they only released 2 demos before disbanding, man i can only imagine that releasing an LP would have placed them in the death metal hall of fame of the 90's so that whenever someone says you like ''old school'' death metal? the reply would be, fuck yeah, you mean like unearth and deicide? 

check it out:

Friday, August 5, 2011

NEW BRAINOIL ALBUM and a beer review...

So im sitting here drinking this collaboration beer from stone. the ''green tea ipa'' 9.2% and its well hidden. the beer tastes great.smells great. nice subtle green tea flavor and nicely hopped. I read on stones blog that they're using a new hop from France so this is an exciting brew.  anyone that's has got the chance to try it, you defenitly should.  7/10 easily
NEW Brainoil album!. Death of this dry season. Ive been jamming theyre  self titled 2003 effort for a long time now and its become one of my favorite albums to listen to when im having a beer :) you can stream the entire album and download it for only $6.66 bucks here like i just did. and check out the official site here.

Another interesting fact about brainoil is guitarist/vocalist Nathan Smith is a dedicated homebrewer and also a long time speaker on The Brewing Network. Thats actually how i found out about these guys, and from what i hear he makes a pretty badass double ipa based off of pliny the elder,  He gives the recipe out too, check out the episode ''a day around the bay'' that was featured on brewing tv.
You can pick up the new brainoil shirts (and all your other crust shirt needs :) from the good man at Nightgaunt Graphics He does all the work himself and does a damn good job. He also has skaven shirts! 
Sharky rockin the new design