Sunday, December 18, 2011

Home brew history: George Washington

If you think the above picture is accurate then you are wrong. George Washington refused to drink fizzy yellow watered down piss beer and insisted on homebrew.

Taken from beer

George Washington was a devout beer lover. In particular, he was fond of the dark, English-style brew known as porter, and always demanded that an ample supply of it be kept on hand at Mount Vernon, his Virginia estate. However, it was not porter, but rather "small beer," for which Washington once recorded an early recipe. Preserved in the manuscript collections of the New York Public Library is a notebook kept by Washington, which includes the following hand-written recipe.

"To Make Small Beer...

Take a large Siffer [Sifter] full of Bran Hops to your Taste. -- Boil these 3 hours then strain out 30 Gall[ons] into a cooler put in 3 Gall[ons] Molasses while the Beer is Scalding hot or rather draw the Melasses into the cooler & St[r]ain the Beer on it while boiling Hot. let this stand till it is little more than Blood warm then put in a quart of Yea[s]t if the Weather is very Cold cover it over with a Blank[et] & let it Work in the Cooler 24 hours then put it into the Cask -- leave the bung open till it is almost don[e] Working -- Bottle it that day Week it was Brewed."

See guys. Mr Washington refused to drink mass produced piss water like the pilgrims and the Indians. Lets all take a lesson from history and drink fresh, quality home brew. On another note this recipe was recently recreated by Coney Island Brewing Co. check it out here. im really curious how this one turned out.