Wednesday, May 4, 2011

New threads...

The jerking off may

Allright, enough Hessian porn already. Check this video out from the 1930's on witchcraft. The begining is kinda slow but trust me, it picks up into some great visuals, and furthermore, references to brew...

And for you that prefer english dubs, try this version narrated by William Burroughs. The classical music is replaced by jazz, heres part 1...

''All the witches had to show respect to Satan by kissing his ass''...typical dictator right?
Favorite parts..
From part two of eight, "Could you give me a stronger brew,Karna?"
Her poor attempt at a pale ale urged him to request an IPA
"Heres a drink prepared in may, with a lively yellow sparrow"
Obviously referring to a German style Hefeweizen, notice the vile of white labs she pulls from her blouse .


Shelby Cobras said...

Sweet scores, dude!
I snagged one of these off of Amazon or eBay or somewhere awhile back, but the TRUE boners will begin when I see these fuckers in SF May 18th and get myself one of THESE BEAUTIES.

bloodler said...

Thanks man,
I have been trying for the ominous shirt myself, even contacting hells headbangers but those jerks never restock.
dude, may 18th?? WTF! their myspace says they arent playing till the 28th in maryland. where do you find these dirty little secrets man?