Thursday, May 26, 2011

New IPA and some thrash

Allright, ive been been building up hops now for a few months and i decided to brew up some sort of demented  Macgyver recipe using every last hop i had in my freezer. here it goes...

Brew day 5/25/11... IPA?
aiming at 5 1/2 gal into fermentor

12# two row
1/2# honey malt
1/2# crystal 40
1# corn sugar

I mashed at 148 Fahrenheit for 2 hours because i had to leave the house,
single batch sparge

1 oz cascade (whole) mash hop
.5 oz cascade 60 min
1 oz Hallertau 60 min
1.25 oz columbus 45 min
1 oz magnum 35 min
1.2 oz east kent goldings 10 min

approx 100-110 IBU

whirlfloc tab and teaspoon of yeast nutrient at 10 min as-well
ferment at 65 and slowly rise to 70 after 2-3 days

OG 1.070

I reused a white labs 001 cal ale yeast cake from a couple weeks ago

ice bath till i got down to about 62F

Hell yeah, it was a fun brew day. The sample tasted awesome, however it did not have a lingering hop bitterness. I plan on dry hopping with centennial and amarillo. Ill let you guys know how it turns out in a few weeks. 

Now to the fucking thrash...

Sunday, May 8, 2011


IMMOLATION is one of the greatest bands of all time. I cant say enough good things about them. From the innovative guitar work of mad man shredder Robert Vigna to the boot stomping of Ross Dolan on stage. All their drummers have been just fuckin awesome, and none of their albums have ever let me down. Ross Dolan's Lyrics explain a disgust for humanity and take a very personal bitter strike at religion, in particular Christianity. something I can relate to after searching for some kind of truth on this earth myself.

''Purge the world, remove us all" sometimes thats my theme song.

This is one of the greatest songs and albums IMMOLATION has written both lyrically and musically to me hence the blog banner.

''Have faith in their words
From your weakness they are born
Messiahs to the masses
But failures for all

Send millions to worship
Send millions to die
Devoted, they follow in blindness
Lost, they can not find their way

Crowned by our hands

Bringers of terror, all will cower in fear
Bringers of war, their people perish and die
Bringers of plague, the faithful wither and fade
Bringers of famine, the hunger grows and grows
Cure not our ills...
Feed on our souls...

Promise eternity...
Eternity never comes...

Their lies will lull the chaos
While humanity falls around them
Impoverished, in droves they'll grovel
In confusion and fear they flourish

They've failed to lead the way out of darkness
their wourds man nothing, your gods are dead

Let them rape you
let them rule you
They will take you
You're failures for gods
No promis land
No love toward man
No perfect end
You're failures for gods

Can they not see the deception and the tyranny
So desperate they've become the victims not the victors
Can they not see the tragedy in thier beliefs
The failures you worship are the failures you've become

Crowned by our hands''


Friday, May 6, 2011

Discarnated - Deus Misereatur

Australian kangaroo torturers, Discarnated had a short but sweet run releasing one promo and a full length back in 93' before vocalist Rowan London went on to explore opera metal and start Virgin Black. This album is great. Its an example of a band passionate about their music and not just dicking around. I dont know, I just get this good feeling whenever I listen to it. its one of  those nad pumpers you know?

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Swedish ear rapists SILENT DEATH kick some major face, reminding me a bit of MALEVOLENT CREATION's RETRIBUTION album, but hey, is that really a complaint? NO. Its just for comparison. trust me you need this....

yeah they get their hair done at the same place, quit asking!

"hospitalized stone cold, limited edition"

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

New threads...

The jerking off may

Allright, enough Hessian porn already. Check this video out from the 1930's on witchcraft. The begining is kinda slow but trust me, it picks up into some great visuals, and furthermore, references to brew...

And for you that prefer english dubs, try this version narrated by William Burroughs. The classical music is replaced by jazz, heres part 1...

''All the witches had to show respect to Satan by kissing his ass''...typical dictator right?
Favorite parts..
From part two of eight, "Could you give me a stronger brew,Karna?"
Her poor attempt at a pale ale urged him to request an IPA
"Heres a drink prepared in may, with a lively yellow sparrow"
Obviously referring to a German style Hefeweizen, notice the vile of white labs she pulls from her blouse .

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sunday funday

Heres some BS to get you through the weekend.....
I stumbled across this pope bashing site unintentionally, pretty funny stuff check it out....

... Italian shredders ELECTROCUTION only full length kicks major face in, dont miss this one...

So I bought a Red frog ale today, i must say i cant pin point the specialty malt in it but it seems theres alot of it
there. Huge head, after pouring it I had to wait about 10 min for the head to dissipate. overall not a very hoppy beer but not sweet either, pretty balanced. not my favorite of the red ale style ive tried but I'll give it 6/10 brew score.